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Your resource for leading software development practices, technology and hiring trends, and ways in which IT enterprises can accelerate, and evolve.

Data Decoded: Unlocking Business Value with Databricks

5 min By Matias Caniglia

DevOps 2.0: From Operators to Enablers

3 min By Matias Caniglia

Scaling Up: How Managed Product Services Support Business Growth

3 min By Forte Group

From Maintenance to Innovation: A Roadmap for Mid-Market CTOs in the Digital Age

2 min By Forte Group

CTO Journey: Lucas Hendrich's Path to Leading Global Engineering Teams

3 min By Jane Perederey

How to Become a Test Automation Rock Star

4 min By Lee Barnes

Performance Test Readiness: From "Ready, Set, No" to "Ready, Set, Go"

3 min By Joe Cohen

2024 Key Trends in AI Integration for DevOps and Platform Engineering

9 min By Matias Caniglia

Technical Debt in Software Development: Strategies and Solutions

2 min By Lucas Hendrich
