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Your resource for leading software development practices, technology and hiring trends, and ways in which IT enterprises can accelerate, and evolve.

The Importance of Lakehouse Architecture in AI and Data Infrastructure

The Importance of Lakehouse Architecture in AI and Data Infrastructure

2 min By Matias Caniglia

DevOps 2.0: From Operators to Enablers

3 min By Matias Caniglia

CTO Journey: Lucas Hendrich's Path to Leading Global Engineering Teams

3 min By Jane Perederey

Performance Test Readiness: From "Ready, Set, No" to "Ready, Set, Go"

3 min By Joe Cohen

2024 Key Trends in AI Integration for DevOps and Platform Engineering

9 min By Matias Caniglia

Technical Debt in Software Development: Strategies and Solutions

2 min By Lucas Hendrich

A Practical Guide to DevOps, SRE, and Platform Engineering

7 min By Matias Caniglia

Tackling Cloud Cost Through Optimization: $1.5 Million Saving Strategy

2 min By Lucas Hendrich

The Need for Data Governance in Wealth Management to Enable Next-gen AI

2 min By Lucas Hendrich
