Healthcare Services Provider
Technology and Platforms:
AWS CLI, AWS Web Console, Terraform
Business Challenges
The organization partnered with Forte Group to improve its AWS cloud use and reduce the related costs.
Forte Group was able to get significant savings by optimizing the utilization of cost-representative services that were driving high monthly spending.
Product Challenges
Forte Group found two big areas within the AWS billing where improvements could be made:
EC2 instances
Forte Group worked with the client to identify and reduce redundant and unnecessary EC2 instances that were deployed in the AWS cloud.
EBS storage utilization:
Due to old backups from EC2 instances that were not needed for business continuity, EBS storage was a large part of client's cloud spend.
Additionally, the client was not taking advantage of a newer class of EBS that is more effective and efficient: GP3.
Solution highlights
- Conducted an initial Discovery process to understand the utilization of the AWS cloud at the moment and identify the big pain points and major opportunities to save costs. Defined the strategy to achieve the cost optimization goals. T
- Defined and implemented proper data retention policies for EBS volumes’ backups.
- Assessed the EC2 and RDS instances, collected and analyzed their utilization metrics, determined which instances were oversized, defined the right size to be used, and calculated the savings after implementing the changes.
- Assessed the EC2 and RDS instances, collected and analyzed their utilization metrics, determined which instances were oversized, defined the right size to be used, and calculated the savings after implementing the changes.
- Migrated EBS volumes from GP2 to GP3 class. Forte implemented this project, which had been presented by the Client's team.
- Deleted unnecessary and unused resources, such as EC2 instances, backups, snapshots, load balancers, elastic IP addresses, etc.
Results Achieved
By identifying and optimizing the use of EC2 and EBS instances on AWS, and implementing proper data retention policies, Forte Group steered the client toward operational efficiency.