
Technical Debt in Software Development: Strategies and Solutions

Written by Lucas Hendrich | Jan 30, 2024

Managing technical debt has become a key focus for companies striving to balance innovation with maintaining existing systems. Luckily, there are practical strategies to navigate and reduce technical debt, ensuring the longevity and sustainability of software solutions.

Technical debt represents the trade-off between quick, short-term solutions and the long-term health of a software system. Similar to financial debt accumulating interest, technical debt accrues in the form of increased complexity, slower development, and potential risks to system stability. In other words, technical debt arises from choosing expedient solutions over more robust, time-consuming ones. Whether intentional or unintentional, this decision sets the stage for challenges.

What does Technical Debt look like?

Technical debt comes in various shapes and forms, depending on the specific choices, trade-offs, and shortcuts made during the software development process. Let’s take a look at two examples:

The AWS Marriage Dilemma

Imagine launching a startup where speed is paramount. AWS seems like the go-to solution to swiftly get your application up and running. However, the rapid choice to build everything around AWS can lead to a long-term commitment. The longer you postpone optimization, the more potential technical debt accrues. While AWS may be the perfect fit now, delaying exploration of alternative, agnostic solutions could pose challenges. What if a potential buyer insists on Azure instead of AWS? Migrating an entire system becomes a formidable task, requiring time, money, and resources.

Versioning Conundrum with .NET Core

In the world of software, using the latest version is crucial for staying competitive. However, adopting a new version, like transitioning from an older version of .NET Core to the current one, comes with complexities. Upgrading involves retesting, deprecating elements, and adapting to new features – all incurring a cost. Many companies find themselves grappling with the consequences of staying on older versions, realizing that the longer they delay the upgrade, the more technical debt they accumulate.

Other examples of technical debt and their impact


  • Outdated Libraries
  • Lack of Documentation
  • Tight Coupling
  • Limits to Scale


  • Vulnerabilities, hindering feature adoption
  • Difficulty in understanding and maintaining cod
  • Code that is challenging to modify or extend
  • Architectures, platforms or services that can no longer scale




Effective technical debt management strategies: Reducing and avoiding technical debt

Reducing technical debt requires strategic planning and consistent effort. Follow these steps:

  1. Prioritize Debt Reduction: Address critical issues before less urgent ones.
  2. Sprint Planning: Include debt reduction tasks in sprint planning for dedicated time and resources.
  3. Automate Code Reviews: Implement automated reviews to catch potential issues early.
  4. Refactor: Allocate time for planned refactoring to improve code quality.
  5. Invest in Training: Provide ongoing training for well-informed decision-making.


To avoid technical debt, adopt preventive measures:

  1. Regular Code Reviews: Catch and address issues before contributing to technical debt.
  2. Adopt Best Practices: Follow industry standards to minimize the risk of technical debt.
  3. Continuous Integration and Deployment: Implement continuous testing to reduce the likelihood of introducing technical debt.
  4. Agile Development Principles: Embrace agile principles for continuous improvement and proactive debt management.

How Forte Group is helping companies reduce technical debt

«At Forte Group, we’ve navigated these challenges with a variety of organizations, and we don’t shy away from the complexities of technical debt. Our 25+ years of experience position us to tackle issues like cloud optimization and legacy software modernization head-on.»

Cloud Optimization

We specialize in cloud cost management: we craft strategic approaches to address the challenge of rising cloud expenses, providing a customized strategy to optimize resource usage without compromising performance. We have been able to  help  one of our clients save up to $1M.

Legacy Software Modernization & Cloud Migration

If your solution is no longer cost effective, can’t keep pace with market trends and compliance requirements, Forte Group can revitalize it with an up-to-date, secure, maintainable and risk-free tech-stack. We can define a comprehensive execution-ready architecture and roadmap to modernize your solution.

Forte Group is your trusted ally in managing technical debt

«We understand that every decision made today shapes the future, and we’re here to guide organizations through the maze of technical decisions. With a proven track record of helping companies manage technical debt, we approach each challenge with confidence and expertise.»